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Designing for e-Social Action: An Application Taxonomy


Andy Dearden & Ann Light, 2008. Designing for e-Social Action: An Application Taxonomy. In David Durling, Chris Rust, Lin-Lin Chen, Philippa Ashton and Ken Friedman (editors) Proceedings of the Design Research Society Conference, Undisciplined!, 16th – 19th July 2008, Sheffield Hallam University, 16th - 19th July, 2008 UK.


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On Social Function: New language for discussing Technology for Social Action


Andy Dearden & Ann Light. On Social Function: New language for discussing Technology for Social Action. Presented at Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC), 26th – 29th June 2008, Berkeley, CA.


Designers of technology for social action can often become embroiled in issues of platform and technical functionality at a very early stage in the development process, before the precise social value of an approach has been explored. The loyalty of designers to particular technologies and to ways of working can divide activist communities and, arguably,

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