
alan dawson's picture

democracy tv

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I came across Democracy TV from a couple of years ago. It makes uses some of the best of the webs protocols, RSS, Bittorrent, and the big video hosting sites like YouTube, to allow independent and short film makers get their content out.

Install the client, subscribe to channels, and download and watch what you're interested in. ( if you use Ubuntu see )

Steve_Walker's picture

Richard Barbrook's new book

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Hi all,

I've just seen this Guardian article about Richard Barbrook's new book in today's paper. It looks a good read. He co-authored an interesting essay a few years ago about the Internet as Californian ideology: the central argument was essentially that the Internet reflects the particular historical mix of the social liberalism and free market Reaganomics dominant in post 1960s California, which was the particular environment of much of the early development.

Ubuntu now

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I took the plunge this morning:

David Wilcox's picture

Conversation starters on social action

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Hannah Beardon recently challenged us to focus some of our discussion on people, power and how technology makes a difference ... rather than just talking about tools:

David Wilcox's picture

Open source, proprietary and free software

Over at Opengender, Paula Graham has a great article Who's afraid of free software? which touches on issues we discussed at our workshop. Paula argues people in small organisations are frightened off the use of open source because they think support is a problem - and this is a gender issue:

Hannah Beardon's picture

Together we have everything...

One of the things which made a big impression on me during the PRASDA workshop was Josef's statement that 'together we have everything'. I like that, and it seemed that as the discussions progressed we were starting to find a way to combine our knowledge and perspectives into something bigger.

I have been following recent posts, and just like in the workshop, some things speak to me more than others. But I am struggling to understand or clarify what contribution I can make to the 'everything'.

alan dawson's picture

Fring - Mobile Symbian VOIP Application

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Just discovered
It allows you to use the various large VOIP providers like skype , google talk, msn and its own user base at on Symbian mobile phones using a data connection rather than a GSM connection.
This allows you to make VOIP calls to your friends on MSN, or you can use a service like SkypeOut to make interational calls without paying an exorbitant per minute rate.

You've convinced me -- I've just switched over to Ubuntu Linux

And I've written up a fairly detailed account of what happened,

Steve Thompson's picture

TeesValley Community Radio and TV

Sorry guys nothing to see here. I was hoping to pull in the RSS feed to show another blog here. Watch this space.

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